
Working with Richard is like having a gifted and fearless personal guide through the quagmire of story creation. Not only can he help clear a wide path for you and the audience through the muck of a complex story, but he can help you see your own strengths along the way, and is willing to collaborate beautifully. Richard introduced me to many new methodologies for story management when we worked together on my first feature film, and I still employ many of them today. Beyond his technical and creative skills, which are seemingly bottomless, it is Richard’s personal skills that make him stand apart, and ahead of many others. He is an amazing communicator, and is expert at navigating sensitive negotiations that are a part of editing any film. He will bring all of his ideas to the table, and will fight for them when he believes they are important for the project - but ultimately will work to unleash the vision of the Director. There is no question that he brought the level of my own film into a new realm with his contributions. I can’t wait to work with Richard again!

Samantha Grant

Director, "A Fragile Trust"

Richard's skills as an editor encompass an amazing range of abilities including a gift for creating story structure, emotional subtext and dramatic visual storytelling. In my opinion he is an outstanding collaborator and I have been grateful for what he has contributed to my films.

William Farley

Director, "Plastic Man: The Artful Life of Jerry Ross Barrish"

I can't speak any higher about Richard Levien. His contributions to my film met more than my expectations. And my expectations were high. Richard grasped and understood what I was going for right away and worked with me diligently to achieve the goals that were set. I always look forward to working with him, and I learn more from him each time.

Jim Granato

Director, "D Tour"